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How Governments And Ultra Rich Elites Collude to Rob the Average Person

Most people are just collateral for the ruling elite

Not all super-rich people are evil and sinister. But there are certainly those who are. And these are not people on Forbes’ list of Billionaires. These are people who would pay not to be on the list. And maybe some are on the list too, who knows? But some of the things we witness in the world are too sinister for us not to assume there are super-rich people operating in bad faith. Let’s consider examples.

The Banking Crisis in 2008

Yes, there were a lot of bad players and horrible decisions. But who was left holding the bag?

At the end of the crisis, who was punished? Well, it was certainly not the bankers. That’s because they got this huge money from the government and gave themselves big bonuses.

We all know that the government didn’t stash money anywhere. We know that they didn’t sell any of the gold in the treasury. The money was created out of thin air in an operation called Quantitative Easing (QE).

So, who lost money? On the surface, it looked like no one lost money. But if you look deeply you will observe that the burden got shifted to the taxpayer. It became US debt, one that every taxpayer is responsible for.

Unlike ‘08, the QE in 2020 could not be used to fund productivity growth. This is because everybody was told to stay at home. So, inflation naturally rose.

There is a silver lining to this.

Your Cash is Losing Value

Your cash is not just losing value, it will continue to lose value. And raising interest rates won’t help. High-interest rates will only hold back the economy. It will not fix inflation.

If the Fed really wants to fix inflation, let them dump all the junk they’ve been buying since 2008 on the market. And of course, stop raising rates or even reduce rates. But you know why there isn’t any conversation around that? It will hurt the super rich elite class badly.

Now, this is where it gets tense. This is not to speak against anybody or fuel any conspiracy theory. But where there is a footprint of a tiger, it is not wrong to assume there is a tiger around.

QE has never been about benefiting society or the masses. QE has always been about rewarding the rich after making a grave mistake. Hence, the term we now know as, “too big to fail”.

Let’s assume that there are some sinister super-rich people. Their goal is to get the central bank to print trillions once every 10 years. The bulk of the money goes to them (explanation coming in a bit), the American people are always the excuse to force the hand of the central bank (via politics), and their hope is to never have the central bank release the bad debt they acquired.

In the past, the goal of these sinister people would be to maximize profits. But profit is minuscule today besides credit. Today, the goal would be to get credit. So, how?

The Average American is a Collateral for the Ultra Rich Elite Class

Follow the explanation closely here. When the government printed money to bail the country out of the 2008 crisis, who was the money given to? Are you paying attention?

The money was to “bail out the economy”. But it was given to banks. The banking system literally held the economy hostage. The picture they gave the government officials was that if they didn’t get the money, there will be no economy by the next day.

Was that true? Of course not!

Surely, things will change. The economy will evolve. Innovators and problem solvers will rise up. But the idea that the economy will be wiped out if banks do not get billions is ridiculous. But in all honestly, it would be very tough to take such a stance during that time. Hank Paulson almost did. But he later caved.

The economy was “saved”, but banks got the money. And the taxpayers picked the tab indirectly. Are you paying attention?

In 2020, what did the government spend the money the central bank printed on? They bought vaccines to “save” the people. Who got the money? Big Pharma (and related corporations). Who picked up the tab? The people (through taxes and inflation). Are you paying attention yet?

When young people get student loans to go to school, who gets the money? The money is created on behalf of the people and goes directly into the hands of the schools. And the money goes straight back into the hands of these corporate elites via (school) endowment funds. If you are paying attention, who gets to pick the tab?

When stimulus checks were sent to people. Where did the money go to? It flowed into the stock market. Who got rich? Certainly not the people who put their stimulus checks in the stock market. That’s because they bought at the top or near the top. With the market reality in 2022, everyone who did that has lost money.

Can you see it yet? The “American people” are just the perfect collateral. Get the central bank to print money (based on pressure from the government), and the money gets sent to the corporations (and the coy people who control them).

Now, this is not capitalism. Capitalism is about making profits. This is something else. This is holding people as economic hostages (or using people as collateral) to get central banks to print money. This is the pursuit of credit without any responsibility.

This is like having your spouse take a loan from the bank and you writing it as income in your account statement (because your spouse “paid” you for services rendered)

The money they get from central banks doesn’t count as loans or liabilities to them. They engineer it in such a way that it counts as assets and profit. Whereas it is not.

You cannot use economic hostages to collect a central bank printed money (with no payback date) and consider that profit or revenue. But that is what has been happening.

People who do this are considered sinister here because they know what they are doing. And the actions of the central bank currently encourage them to continue to do more.

This is like selling toothbrush to birds because you know there is someone who can write any amount of check on behalf the birds (as credit), if you can make it sound like all birds are going to die if they don’t get a toothbrush.

For you to get a better idea of what economies all over the world are doing (as opposed to true capitalism), here is an analogy video from Wall Street Silver on Twitter:

It is hilarious, but you can feel the truth in it. Never assume that someone knows what they are saying because they have a nice suit on.

The Only Way for the Average Person to Beat Inflation

If you want to beat Inflation, you have to be a producer. And not just a producer, you have to be a producer who is in control. Only the producer that is in control of prices stands a chance of beating inflation.

If you think inflation is going to go down because the Fed is raising interest rates, you must be living under a rock. Even the Fed chairman admitted that their tools for dealing with inflation are blunt. They are just hitting something and hoping things work out fine.

And I don’t see any work-out-fine scenario happening in the short term. The Fed is trying to make everyone suffer for the consequences of the money they printed (that ended up in the hands of a few people who mismanaged it anyway).

Don’t get this wrong. It is okay and good to make money by selling useful products and services. If you make a gazillion dollars that way, it is totally okay.

But if you manipulated the government to hand you the money they borrowed from the central bank (for nothing), that is sinister and evil. Yes, it is an opinion but anyone with a good moral standard should come to the same conclusion.

Using people as economic hostages to get money out of the Federal Reserve is evil. Sell products and services. If people are not buying what you are selling, then it is natural for you to go out of business. That is the game.

When people get huge bailout money or credit when they fail (because they are too big to fail), that is no longer capitalism. Failure is part of capitalism. When there are business entities that cannot be allowed to fail, then society cannot evolve economically.

I rest my case.

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